A Students Challenge for The Global Goals
2021年,联合国训练研究所上海国际培训中心(CIFAL Shanghai)联合享渔教育倾情打造面向全体中小学生(K12)的联合国可持续发展目标主题活动,推出了“全球目标创意挑战”活动,旨在推动SDG在中小学生中的认知度,激励学生们观察世界、关心生活、建立用科技改变未来的社会责任感和使命感。In 2021, UNITAR CIFAL Shanghai cooperated with iMake Education to launch 「 A Students Challenge for the Global Goals」, themed around the 17 SDGs. The activity is targeted to all primary and secondary school students (K-12), with the ultimate purpose to promote SDG among students, to motivate students to observe the world, care about life, build a sense of social responsibility, and appreciate the power of technology and innovation to change the future.
全球目标挑战活动为公益活动,所有7-18岁在校学生均可免费参与。活动鼓励学生们发现身边的问题,发挥自己的无限创意和灵感,像设计师和工程师一样去设计解决问题的创新方案或创新产品,并向公众进行清晰地解释创新过程和工作原理。活动采用过程式评估,重点考察学生发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的创新思维方法和实践过程中体现的综合素质。The Challenge is free for all participants, who are required to discover and investigate an SDG-related problem, and then use their creativity and technology tools to design a unique and effective solution like designers and engineers do. They will submit documents that not only show their solutions but also the engineering design process they went through. Both will be evaluated as a whole.
参与资格 Eligibility
● 比赛面向全国所有在校中小学生,分为7-12岁、13-18岁两个年龄组;Open to all students aged 7-18, divided into two age groups: 7-12, 13-18
● 学生组成1-4人的参赛团队,同一个学生只能参加一个团队,不能重复参赛;Students can participate individually or in a team of at most 4 people; the eldest one in the team determines the age group; each student is only allowed to enter one project
● 学生对参赛作品自行查新、查重,凡弄虚作假、剽窃他人成果或采取不正当手段参赛的,经组委会核实后取消参赛及获奖资格。Students should maintan the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Fraudulent projects, such as plagiarism, forgery, use of presentation of other researcher’s work as one’s own, and fabrication of data, will fail to qualify.
项目类别 Project Categories
项目分为两个类别 Two categories of projects are accepted:
● 创意作品 Prototype:不只有创意设计的方案,还完成了一个能充分论证方案可行性和效果的原型。该类别7-12岁,13-18岁两个年龄组都可以提交。A tangible device or application that has been constructed and has come, if not all, of the functions and capabilities that might actually be used in the real world. This category applies to all age groups.
● 创意设计 IDEA:提出了一个解决问题的方案,但是因为时间、资源、执行难度等问题尚完成实物原型。该类别只有7-12岁学生组可以提交。A detailed design of a device, product, or system to solve a real-world problem, but due to constraints in time, resources, or simply students' technical capability, is still a plan on paper. This category only applies to age group 7-12.
作品提交 Project Submission
学生可通过个人直接网络报名或通过学校统一组织报名两种方式参加活动。Students could register for the event individually or through their school:
● 个人报名 Individual Registration:截止日期11月30日,接受中文或英文。具体提交方式和材料要求见附件“申请指南”。Deadline 11/30, Chinese or English accepted, please refer to "Submission Guideline" for details.
● 合作学校组织报名 School Registration:合作学校预先展开校内作品初步选拔展示活动,完成作品预评审确定入围决赛名单,并统一提交入围项目资料给组委会。截止日期:12月30日,接受中文或英文 Partner schools may organize SDG school fair to show and pre-qualify projects before entering them into the final. (Please contact erin@imakeedu.com if your school is interested in the event.)
● 需要提交的项目资料 Required Materials:
- 申请表 Application Form
- 项目文稿 Presentation PPT
- 路演视频 Project Video
- 实物原型设计资料(只适用于创意作品类别) Prototype (only applies to Prototype category)
- 项目日志(可选)Engineering Journal (Optional)
Develop Global Competency
通过活动深入认识和探究全球17个可持续发展主题,设计和制作创新性的解决方案。Students gain a deep understanding of the world and the 17 SDGs through personal & hands-on experiences.
Certified by Official United Nations Organization
获奖者将获得由UNITAR CIFAL Shanghai颁发的联合国可持续发展官方证书。 Winners will receive an official UN SDG Certificate issued by UNITAR CIFAL Shanghai.
Use Technical Tools and Platforms, Develop Creative Problem-Solving Skills
通过设计完成创新作品的全过程,培养学生自主思考、克服困难、团队合作、表达分享、解决问题的综合能力。Through the entire process of designing and completing innovative works, students are nurtured to develop comprehensive abilities such as independent thinking, overcoming challenges, teamwork, expression, sharing, and problem-solving.
Visit the UN Institutes, Receive Recommendation Letter from UN Official
气候与能源Climate Change & Energy
在2030年议程的中点,科学传达的讯息是明确的 – 地球远远偏离了实现其气候目标的轨道。根据世界气象组织(WMO)协调新编的一份多机构报告显示,气候变化损害了几乎所有的可持续发展目标。Midway through the 2030 Agenda, the message from science communication is clear – the Earth is far off course from achieving its climate goals. A newly coordinated multi-agency report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) shows that climate change has compromised nearly all Sustainable Development Goals.
2024年3月23日“世界气象日”到来之际,联合国专门机构——世界气象组织(WMO)刚刚发布了《全球气候状况》报告。报告显示:On the occasion of "World Meteorological Day" on March 23, 2024, the United Nations specialized agency – the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has just released the "State of the Global Climate" report. The report shows:
● 2023年为有记录以来最热的年份,幅度明显 2023 is the hottest year on record, with a clear margin
● 海洋热量、海平面上升、南极海冰消融和冰川退缩均打破纪录 Ocean heat, sea level rise, Antarctic sea ice melt, and glacier retreat have all broken records
● 极端天气阻碍社会经济发展Extreme weather hampers socio-economic development
● 可再生能源转型带来希望The transition to renewable energy brings hope
● 气候不作为的代价高于气候行动的成本The cost of inaction on climate is higher than the cost of climate action
联合国秘书长古特雷斯将此称之为地球发出的“求救信号”,并呼吁各国领导人立即采取行动,为人类和地球筑起最后的生命线。而他也表示:科学是解决方案的核心。United Nations Secretary-General Guterres called this a "distress signal" from the Earth and called on leaders of all countries to take immediate action to build the last lifeline for humanity and the planet. He also stated: Science is at the heart of the solution.
What can young people do to join this action? Pay attention to the problem, be brave in innovation and cooperation – if each of us can make such an effort, we can achieve the global goals by 2030. Bring out your creativity, innovation, and creativity, and take up the challenge together!奖项设置
按年龄组别(7~12,13~18)和项目类别(IDEA,PROTOTYPE),分别设置一二三等奖,由UNITAR CIFAL Shanghai签发获奖证书; First Award,Second Award,and Third Award for each age group and category will be selected and issued an official certificate by UNITAR Cifal Shanghai.
所有入围学生都将获得由全球目标创意挑战活动组委会颁发的入围证书。All finalists will receive a certificate for successfully completing the Challenge, issued by the Challenge Organizing Committee.
表现突出的高中生将有机会获得UNITAR CIFAL Shanghai签发的推荐信。Special Awardees in high school will receive recommendation letter signed by UNITAR CIFAL official.